SCI-FI SHORTS: Marina Sirtis from Salt Lake Comic Con

TSFP SLCC Deeana Troi Marina Sirtis
No new episode this week as Station! and Mattroid are attending the Salt Lake Comic Con, but because Matt has press access from his newspaper, he’s going to be collecting some fun little audio clips that we will run here as part of a new segment called “Sci-Fi Shorts” …

We’ll be doing a lot more of these shorts in the future to tide you over between our regular scheduled programming and they will span the gamut of Science Fiction coverage, but this week it is all about Salt Lake Comic Con.

Up first, Matt’s short chat with Marina Sirtis, best known to sci-fi fans for her role as Counselor Deeana Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Deeana Troi Now

13 thoughts on “SCI-FI SHORTS: Marina Sirtis from Salt Lake Comic Con

  1. If I could share a personal story about Star Trek: TNG.

    As far as sci-fi goes, Star Trek: TNG had the biggest role in my life. I gravitated towards the series when I was young (Early 90’s) partly because it was always on during rare trips when I would see my dad after my parents got a divorce. Then whenever my uncle would come into town, he’d watch some episodes as well. If memory serves, the first movie my uncle ever took me to see was Star Trek Generations back in 1994. Movies were one of the main interests that my uncle and I had in common. So seeing Generations together was a big deal because it created a tradition of going out and seeing a movie whenever he would come into town. More than twenty years later, we still have that tradition going in trying to get in some theater experiences during the holiday season. For the most part, the movies we saw were either sci-fi/fantasy (Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit) or horror. So there’s a lot of connections there with my love of horror and how that movie theater tradition were big moments in my horror movie fandom as well (IE. First time seeing Michael Myers on the big screen with Halloween Resurrection).

    I can’t say I’ve seen much TNG in recent years, but it was one of my main viewing habits when I was younger. Especially in the summers, I would stay up late to watch random episodes in syndication. I had a bunch of the old action figures.

    Besides being involved in Star Trek, Sirtis was also a part of another show I watched a lot during my childhood – Gargoyles. The show didn’t last too long, but I seem to remember it being really fun. Jonathan Frakes was also a star on the show with Brent Spiner and Lavar Burton appearing a couple of times as well.

    I have to admit, Sirtis has aged exceptionally well. Looking at recent pics of her, I would not peg her as a sixty year old woman. Still a total babe.

    • That’s awesome, Sal. Thanks for sharing all of that. I especially liked reading about that tradition with your uncle. That’s the kind of magical childhood memory I think about all the time and hope I can create for my kids.

      I think TNG, because it was in syndication for so long and aired so often, is one of those rare shows that multiple generations of TV watchers had the same experience with. I can remember so many Summer days, sitting around my Grandparents house or a friends house, just binging a TGN marathon–before TV binging was even a phenomenon.

    • Sal, thanks so much for your comment. NTG was and still is very important to me; Marina Sirtis was always great, and was (and still is) among the most beautiful women in scifi. In person she’s lovely and sweet and had such great things to say, which reinforces the reason we do this podcast.

      When Station! and met her for her signing she was complimentary and funny. I’ll see if I can add that too.

  2. Love star trek tng. Favorite show of all time! Yes marina is still so hot! Also saw generations in the theater & Halloween resurrection was the only Halloween movie i saw in the theater which was 1 of 3 movies i saw that day which i don’t recommend unless u enjoy migraines & hurt knees

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