BEEP BOOP BORP – insert feedback data please

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Hi everyone,

We’ve had a number of great episodes thus far, and many, many more to come*. There have been a few technical issues, some release delays and some production issues to boot, but we’re getting into the grove and starting to focus almost exclusively on content. So here is where you can help.

Below you’ll see a couple of polls. Please fill them out honestly so we can see check the results and–if it looks like the best thing to do–make some changes, based on your answers. These kinds of things are important, like that weird pale-blue juice Tron drinks. We’re thankful for your participation.



*Terminator: Genysis and Time Travel with special guest and legit physicist, Brain!
*Mad Max Fury Road! Featuring special guest, Jonasty Newmoon!
*The Alien franchise with uber-guest, Jay of the Dead!
releasing soon!



12 thoughts on “BEEP BOOP BORP – insert feedback data please

  1. Dude, bringing the tough questions. For the second question, I answered “a featured movie and related theme,” but the truth is that I like all formats that were listed. I guess I just ever-so-slightly prefer the movie/theme episodes.

    That said, I think I’m most looking forward to the upcoming Alien franchise review.

    Anyway, thanks for putting the questions out to the listeners.

  2. Hey, guys. Space Wolf Man Josh here. I was going to do an entire separate post, but I’ll just post here since Matt’s already got something going.

    I planned to post the Phase 2 coverage today, but I traveled back from Colombia this week and had a bit of a Planes Trains & Automobiles experience, so it is going to be late. Now, the next episode isn’t actually due until NEXT Thursday, but the plan was to post the MCU coverage a week early so we can get you all caught up on all of the great content these guys have recorded. I’m still hoping to get it up Friday the 21st (FYI, Jay isn’t posting a new HMP this week, so this will give yo something to listen to over the weekend) and promise to do my very best. TSFP will stay on schedule, so no worries about that. And a new MSC will post on Monday as well.

    Hugs and kisses,


    • Thanks for the update, Space… Wolf… Man… Josh. Looking forward to the MCU Phase II discussion, as well as next week’s MSC.

      Glad to hear you made it home safely, even if it was somewhat of an adventure to do so. I feel like the only way to break out of Colombia is to get smuggled out in the back of a delivery truck to a clearing in the middle of a (hopefully not cocaine) field somewhere in the mountains that takes you to a dinky biplane that will land on a barge in the middle of that giant lake in Venezuela from which you’ll ride an inflatable boat up to Aruba where you can board a small commercial jet that takes you to Costa Rica where you can connect to a larger commercial jet that flies into (don’t call me San Antonio) Houston and then one more connection to Salt Lake City. Of course, then your car service won’t be available, so you’ll have to take whatever public rail system Utah has to get to a station close to home, from where you’ll take a taxi to complete the journey.

      Or something like that.

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