BEEP BOOP BORP – insert feedback data please

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Hi everyone,

We’ve had a number of great episodes thus far, and many, many more to come*. There have been a few technical issues, some release delays and some production issues to boot, but we’re getting into the grove and starting to focus almost exclusively on content. So here is where you can help.

Below you’ll see a couple of polls. Please fill them out honestly so we can see check the results and–if it looks like the best thing to do–make some changes, based on your answers. These kinds of things are important, like that weird pale-blue juice Tron drinks. We’re thankful for your participation.



*Terminator: Genysis and Time Travel with special guest and legit physicist, Brain!
*Mad Max Fury Road! Featuring special guest, Jonasty Newmoon!
*The Alien franchise with uber-guest, Jay of the Dead!
releasing soon!
